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Byron Street (Langdon Park), Poplar, London, E14 0RS


Client: AITCH

Project Value: £14 Million 


PinnacleESP have been appointed by AITCH construction as the MEPH designers for the proposed Byron Street Residential Development.


The scheme involves the demolition of existing brownfield buildings and redevelopment of the site to provide a residential development, comprising 65 new homes (35% affordable) in a building up to 5 storey in height, centred around a communal courtyard, plus disabled car parking spaces, cycle parking, refuse/recycling facilities and access together with landscaping including communal and private amenity space, and associated development.


PinnacleESP’s MEPH design shall deliver a remarkable 67% reduction in carbon emissions over Building Regulation Part L. This is achieved through passive design and the incorporation of a low carbon centralised Air Source Heat Pump (ASHP) energy centre serving a common site wide low temperature heat network, providing the dwellings proving heating and domestic hot water via Heat Interface Units (HIU). 


The development shall also benefit from on site power generation through large rooftop photo voltaic arrays, whilst also providing electrical vehicle charging (EVC) provisions to the residents.

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