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Southborough 1.jpg

Client: London Borough of Bromley

Project Value: £900,000


 Pinnacle ESP were appointed by the London Borough of Bromley to provide full MEP and Energy Design Services to decarbonise Southborough Primary School. Pinnacle ESP undertook initial feasibility studies to inform a Stage 3 Concept Design which in turn led to a full application for government funding. Pinnacle ESP and LBB were successful in securing funding through the Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme (PSDS) for the replacement of the existing primary and secondary heating systems at Southborough Primary School.


The project saw the total eradication of fossil fuels from the school through the introduction of low carbon all electric heating and hot water systems via Air Source Heat Pump. This scheme has greatly reduced the overall carbon footprint, emission rate and includes the replacement of the secondary heating distribution and heat emitters throughout the premises to support the new systems.


The site was commissioned and handed over in the Summer of 2023 and has successfully been providing low energy heating for the 23/24 school year. Pinnacle ESP are providing 3 years post occupancy monitoring to report on the energy and carbon savings.

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