Client: Ellis Williams Architects
Project Value: £4.3 Million
PinnacleESP were appointed by Ellis Williams Architects to provide Stage 0-3 MEP & Energy design services for the proposed extension of Watergate School, Lewisham.
The proposed project was to increase the current occupancy for the school from 108 pupils to 187. The proposal comprised of a standalone 2 story new build school block within the exiting curtilage of the site. The building was to provide an additional 1,700m2 of Gross Internal Area, an additional 8No. classrooms, learning support spaces, group room, therapy, specialist teach and a new hall. Whilst also accommodating 44 additional staff.
The MEP design was particularly challenging, to achieve the client’s brief to design all spaces in accordance with BB104 (Area guidelines for SEND and alternative provision, Department of Education 2015).
PinnacleESP undertook detailed dynamic thermal analysis to calculate the building’s performance under multiple scenarios and iterations to the building fabric to achieve the most economical passive design solution. Greatly reducing the requirement for active mechanical heating, cooling and ventilation, improving the buildings performance and lowering energy consumption.
The project was successful in securing planning permission in 2022.