Wilden Road
Client: DCA Architects
Project Value: £1.9 Million
PinnacleESP were appointed by DCA Architects to provide full MEPH design services for a high end residential property in the Bedford Country Side.
The project involves the redevelopment of a derelict farm building to provide a single 2 storey family dwelling, the planning application was successful under Clause 55 of the NPPF as an outstanding and innovate design which significantly enhances and is sensitive
to the surrounding area.
PinnacleESP’s appointment included full detailed design alongside energy consultancy services.
The design was challenging to retain the open space and free flow the Client was requesting, whist still providing high standards of building services to all areas.
Air Source Heat Pumps and underfloor heating were utilised to provide the heating demand for the property including the swimming pool plant and domestic hot water.
Individual Mechanical Ventilation Heat Recovery was incorporated across the property to provide heightened indoor air quality in all wings of the building.
The property features flat green roofs and discrete photovoltaic arrays to provide on site generation to reduce the impact on the electricity grid.